Who looks outside, dreams;
who looks inside, awakes.
I address a wide variety of client concerns in my practice including relationship problems, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, stress management, career indecision, midlife transition, and blocks to personal, sexual and spiritual development and creative expression.
Every client is unique.
Your needs deserve special consideration, which is why my approach to each client is a particular blend of the many counselling and psychotherapeutic methods I have studied. I also stay current with new developments in the field of psychology and continue to integrate these into my practice to enhance my work and benefit my clients wherever possible.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) are two approaches that I draw on consistently in my work.
As well, I have been strongly influenced by two other related theoretical perspectives: Transpersonal psychology and the psychology of Carl Jung. Both these approaches recognize individual uniqueness and a transpersonal dimension of human experience that lies beyond our individual egos.
A key concept in Jungian psychology is ‘individuation’ - the process of fully becoming oneself in the world. My job as a Psychologist is to facilitate that process.
For some of you, that may mean engaging in counselling on a short-term basis. You may be working on an easily definable problem or a very small part of your individuation process: for example, you may feel stalled or blocked by depression, anxiety or self-doubt; difficulties with a relationship; career issues; or an important transition that you want to understand and integrate into your life.
For others, it may involve a longer term process of personal growth work that includes exploring one’s sense of identity and authenticity in the world, existential beliefs and spiritual values. Such concerns often arise in midlife.
For many clients, especially those struggling to make sense of the confusion and chaos that often emerge in midlife and the personal and relationship issues that can arise during that time, the therapeutic journey may more closely resemble a process of profound personal “transformation” rather than simply externally observable and measurable “change.”
For more information on transpersonal psychology, please visit the website of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology at
For more information on Jungian Psychology, please visit